Differences between Spanish blackjack (21) and Regular Blackjack
The Game
Spanish blackjack (21) is a simple variation of regular Blackjack but with several additional options, features and bonus payouts. It is dealt in much the same manner as regular Blackjack and the majority of the Blackjack procedures also apply to Spanish blackjack.
The following is an explanation of the various differences Spanish 21 Blackjack has to regular Blackjack:
The Cards
It is played with eight decks though all the Queens are removed. When a Dealer is checking cards prior to opening the table he/she must also ensure that no Queens are contained in any of the decks.
A Player’s Blackjack always beats the Dealer’s Blackjack, If a Player is dealt Blackjack after the initial deal he/she will be paid immediately even if the Dealer has an Ace or Ten-value card showing. The Player is paid 3-2 on Blackjack.
Players can choose to surrender half of their original wager after the initial deal (all players and the dealer have received two cards). The player can surrender at any stage prior to drawing additional cards or standing. If a Player decides to surrender the Dealer will take one half of the Player’s original wager.
Example: If the Player’s original bet is $20, the dealer will split the bet in two and take $10.
If the Player has an odd amount wagered the Dealer should give the player half of the value of his/her original bet and take the whole initial wager. In circumstances where the dealer can not pay the player exactly half of his/her bet the dealer will round up the surrender and take the rounded up portion for the house.
Example: A bet of $7.50 will be $3.75 if the player surrenders. As we do not have quarters in the float the dealer will give the player $3.50 and take the $7.50 bet so that the house keeps $4.
The Dealer will not audibly offer surrender unless the Dealer’s up card is an Ace or Ten Value card. In this scenario surrender will be offered by announcing ‘Surrender Available’ and tracing the insurance line with their finger. After the Players have taken or declined the surrender option the Dealer will then offer Insurance if the up card is an Ace. This will be completed in the usual manner of announcing ‘Insurance’ and tracing the insurance line with their finger. Once insurance is closed the Dealer will then check for Blackjack.
If the Dealer’s up card is anything other than an Ace or Ten-value card the dealer will pause for a few seconds after the initial deal is complete. This will give Players the time to decide if they wish to surrender or not. After the brief pause the Dealer will start acting on each players hand in the usual manor. A Player may decide to surrender at any point providing they have not drawn any more cards.
Players cannot surrender on a split hand.
Example: The player splits 8’s and receives a 5 with one of his/her 8’s and asks to surrender – this is not permitted. The player can only surrender after his/her first two cards from the initial deal. A player can still surrender on a double down after splitting.
A Player’s 21 always beats the Dealer’s 21
If a Player takes additional cards and makes 21 he/she will be paid immediately. If the player’s original hand totals 21 and consists of five cards or more he/she will be paid a bonus, the Player will be paid 3-2.
Bonus Payments
A Player will be paid 3-2 for any of the following hands:
• Five or more card 21
• 7-7-7 (Three Sevens for a total of 21)
• 6-7-8 (A Six, Seven and Eight value card for a total of 21)
Bonus payments are not made on Double Down hands.
Splitting Pairs
Players may elect to split any cards of equal value, including Aces, up to a total of four times for a total of five hands. The Player may also hit and double on all split hands including Aces.
Doubling Down
Players can Double Down on any total and any number of cards - two card minimum . Players can also Double Down after Splitting including Aces.
Double Down Surrender
Players can surrender if they are dissatisfied with a non-busted hand after doubling down – including double down’s on split hands. . The player forfeits their original wager and the double down portion of the wager is returned.
If the Dealer’s up card is an Ace insurance will be offered after surrender. Insurance will be paid 2-1.
Dealer Hits On Soft 17
The Dealer must take a card on soft 17 . The Dealer stands on hard 17.