Blackjack card counting - the Hi-Lo Count System
The Hi-Lo count system is one of the most popular "blackjack card counting system" in use these days as it is a system easily learn't and with practice can be perfected not like the true count system. Using the Hi-Low count you need to assign a value to each card dealt on the table of either +1, 0 or -1 . Ace through 10 cards are given a value of -1. The 7, 8, 9 each count as 0 as they are neutral cards. Hi-Lo card counting assigns the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 as +1.
HI-LO Blackjack Card Counting System
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The way it works is one counts the cards are dealt i.e. J(-1) ,8 (0), 2 (+1) will give you your count value of 0 which is a neutral count giving the edge to neither the casino nor the player, the basics of the system work as follows the higher your positive count the better your odds are of winning the next blackjack hand and the lower "-" the more chance you have of loseing the next hand. The percentages are marginal but so is the house win percentage if one plays by basic blackjack strategy.
Other factors that come into play are the number of cards dealt from the shoe as well as the number of decks used. The less cards left to go in the shoe with the highest positive count is your most favourable opportuninty and is the time to increase your bets to gain that extra edge over the house. The same goes for the number of decks used look for single deck blackjack as there are less cards and look for dealers who cut the deck thick enabling you to see more cards to base your play on.
Professional card counters will tend to sit at 3rd base (the last position on the table) giving him the opportuntiny to see all the cards that have been dealt and have the last play. This is a very easy counting system combined with good basic strategy play and lots of practice you can get great results.
You can practice counting cards by going through a deck card by card and keeping track of your count total while gradualy increasing your speed, you can also stand at the back of a table and observe a blackjack game in progress to see how refined your skills are. Remember what makes a good card-counter is practice, practice, practice and more practice.
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