Glossary of Casino terminology
Words that start with:
Taking Odds : An option a craps player has of increasing their initial bet after a point has been established, these odds are referred to as 'free odds' as they pay the 'true odds'. The most common form of taking one's odds is behind the 'passline'.
Tech Art system : A plastic device that contains a mirror that is attached to a blackjack table which allows the dealer to see if the 'down card' completes a blackjack hand or not while lessening the risk of exposing the down card.
Texas hold'em poker : A popular version of poker also played online in poker rooms.
Three crap : In craps, when a combined total of three is showing on the dice.
Three of a Kind : Three of the same value cards in poker games. Also 'trips' , See 'Poker Rules & Hand Rank'
Third Base : In blackjack, the seating position nearest to the dealer’s right hand which is the last hand on the table to be played before the dealer.
Third street : The very first betting round in 7 card stud poker is known as third street as the players have three cards in hand.
Tier : A section on the European roulette wheel that covers which the following number combinations 5/8 , 10/11 , 13/16 , 23/24 , 27/30 and 33/36. The bet uses a total of 6 pieces. Also '5-8 series' , 'tier' , 'small series'
Toke : A gratuity given to the dealer as a kind gesture for services rendered. Also 'tip' or 'jockey'
Token : Term used for the coins used in slot machines.
Totaling : To combine a payoff for both the flat and odds portions of a bet into a single unit.
Tray : The device used to contain the gaming chips.
Trey : Poker slang for three hence a pair of trey's would be a pair of threes.
Trips : Term used in poker meaning three cards of the same value. eg. Q,Q,Q would be called trip queens. Also 'three of a kind' , see 'Poker Hand Rank & Rules'
True Odds : Odds offered at a rate that would benefit neither the house nor the player but pay exactly the same odds as the chance of the bet winning or losing. This form of odds is offered several times in crap games.
Two Pair : A set of four cards consisting of two different sets of same numeral cards in poker games. see 'Poker Hand Ranking & Poker Rules'
Two crap : In craps when a total of two is showing. Also 'Snake eyes' or 'Aces'