Rules of Roulette
This section explains the basics of how the game of roulette is played and explains the rules of how the game works.

The first thing to learn is that each roulette table as a rule has a set of its own chips called color chips these color chips when taken from the roulette table have no value and have to be changed up before you leave the game for value chips. There are several different colors available which distinguishes your chips as being yours from the other players at the table.
Imagine a roulette game if everyone had the same kind of chips there would be absolute chaos at the table with people claiming bets and arguments would be common place.
A roulette player may request a certain color chip from the dealer if the color is not currently being used, often these roulette color chips can be marked up in different denominations so be sure you select the denomination that applys to your style of game. These color chips are bought at the table at which you intend playing and the value of each must be at least minimum bet of the table which is normally indicated by signage posted on the table near the wheel.
There is often a markerboard that shows all the colors and their specific values in use at any stage.

How to place a bet on Roulette?
The game now begins once you are in the possesion of your color chips. You bet on your lucky number or whatever number you feel like birthdays, age, kids age or perhaps you want to bet on several numbers all at once.
Next >: Even chance bets in Roulette
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